Honeywell T55 T5508D Engine Repair and Overhaul of Turbine Components


Having acquired some 20 years of experience repairing and overhauling aircraft parts, Tony Walls established Avanti Aerospace in 2003, specializing in rework of aircraft engine and dynamic components. Over the years, with superb service and dedication to customer service, Tony, along with the rest of the Avanti team, have grown the company to become a leading provider of repair and overhaul services of turbine engine and dynamic components in North America as well as Europe.


Avanti is a Transport Canada Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO), approved for performing maintenance, repair, and overhaul of aircraft engine and dynamic components, including Welding and NDT special processes. Avanti has had EASA Part-145 approval since 2005 (no longer applicable as of Jul 11, 2024), allowing it to issue dual maintenance release for parts worked on for installation on North American as well as European aircraft.



At Avanti, we have a mission to be the number one choice for our customers when it comes to repairing and overhauling their products. This is truly apparent in our level of service, level of care, and attention to detail when working on customers’ products.


Become synonyms with the statement “highest quality in service”;
Put the customers’ needs ahead of everything else;
Strive to be the industry leader in innovative repair solutions; and
Be known in the industry as the best go-to entity for getting products serviced, repaired, and overhauled.